core competence

Core competency

core competence

With 40 years of professional background in engineering and manufacturing, Gongzhun Precision has a variety of process and surface treatment research and development capabilities, and has obtained certifications from world-leading manufacturers in aerospace, semiconductor, panel, and energy.

With more than 100,000 product development and manufacturing experience, we can provide customers with complete services.


Gongin has a sound ERP system that can integrate customer requirements, capacity planning, automatic scheduling, material management, product development and manufacturing, inventory management, and even delivery and customer feedback. Computerized management is used to achieve standardization and improve production efficiency. The professional engineering R&D team can provide customers with the best product and process design capabilities, including CAD/CAM, fixtures, special processes, and use statistical quality control methods to ensure quality consistency. Integrated production planning and standardized procedures to ensure customer delivery and quality requirements

Get In Touch

No.168,Bade 2nd Rd.,Renwu Dist., Kaohsiung City 81453,Taiwan(R.O.C.)



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